Saturday, January 21, 2012

Craving Cake

Being far away from home makes my cake craving all the more intense. All I would have to do on any given day in Kampala is call Sarita and say,
' Is there cake in the house?'
The reply would often be a variant of,
' Of course.' or 'Not at the moment but I'm putting a pan in the oven right now.' or ' If you get here before the monsters finish it'.
Some times it would be coconut or lemon cupcakes freshly baked ready to be swept down with a strong cup of Ketepa black tea. The cake warm, moist and fluffy(on a good day dipped in whipping cream). The tea strong-black with a tint of red. One teaspoon of sugar to balance with the sweetness of the whipping cream. Sigh.
Other days it was the grandpop's chocolate cake that Sarita, Els and my mum have customised into this rich supple moist phenomenon. The sight of it is enough to make my knees weak. The best part however is refrigerating it for a few hours or a day. I don't know what happens to it in baking terms but it is magnificent.
I had the misfortune of tasting a dry stale cake for which I paid 6500Tz shs at a popular restaurant in the city of Dar es salaam. It was supposed to be a lovely sponge cake with a pineapple topping. It was supposed to fold on my tongue and dissolve leaving the sweet acid taste of freshly baked pineapple. It was supposed to! My friends and I complained to the waiter who didn't take us seriously. That was exactly a week ago.

All I have dreamed of since is a slice of Arisu cake.
March can not come quickly enough!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Make me New

Drive the old away and wash me clean. Melt the anger, the pain and the anxiety.
Make me see the light beyond this dark cloud. Make me breathe, inhale, exhale.

There's beauty inside that will not die away. Voices whispering of things renewed; of a phoenix rising from the ashes blown.

Sweetness wraps me round with her warm embrace, and guides me to this place where she shows me life as it should be.

I need this sweet life like the next breath. It refreshes my mind and empowers my hands. Time flies past while I sink deeper. Deeper into this sweet sweet life.

Drive me on Sweet thing.

To begin

Live your life with a passion that translates into beauty and grace.